Why need BizEasy?
Answer: |
There are many reasons. Basically, if your company lack a centralized database that provide real-time data sharing, you may have the following problems: 1.Documents such as quotation, invoice, receipt etc. are stored in different places with no connections. It is time-consuming to retrieve information, especially the old one. 2.Difficult to search and maintain information of customer, vender, item, pricing, stock level etc. 3.Difficult to monitor receivable, payable, delivery etc. 4.Time consuming to produce document such as quotation, statement etc. 5.Cannot exchange information in real-time between branches of company. 6.Lack of security to protect information such as cost and pricing. 7.Difficult to get analytical data. BizEasy is not only a solution of the above problems, it provides also an integrated environment to connect company departments and enhance your company workflow.
What kind of company need BizEasy?
Answer: |
Any company of small to medium size(no. of staff<50) that want to benefit from computerized management.
Where to find Tip of the Day?
Answer: |
You can always opens Tips of the Day in menu Help -> Tip of the Day
Can I manage multiple companies using BizEasy system?
Answer: |
Yes. BizEasy can manage a maximum of 10 companies. Data of each company is stored independently in different databases. You can create new company database in menu System -> Manage Company Database Creation of company database need to be done on BizEasy server.
How to create a new company database?
Answer: |
To start using BizEasy, you need to create a database for your company in BizEasy server. Below are the steps to follow: 1. Run BizEasy in server and go to menu System -> Manage Company Database, select "Create my own company database..." 2. Select the kind of database you are using and click Next button 3. Enter the instance name and sa password if you are using your own SQL server. 4. Enter your full company name. 5. Select the month when you start your accounting, this month should be eariler than all accounting document you are going to enter. 6. Select your local currency(see next tip for details) and click Proceed button.
What is local currency?
Answer: |
Local currency is the currency to be used the accounting summary such as trial balance, balance sheet etc. When you create a company database, you need to choose the local currency. You cannot change the local currency once the company database is created.
Does BizEasy support multi-currency?
Answer: |
Yes. BizEasy support multi-currency. In most kinds of document like purchase order, invoice, receipt etc., BizEasy use the currency of the corresponding customer or vendor. In accounting, each account have its own currency(e.g. foreign saving bank a/c), BizEasy automatically show amounts in the account's currency and local currency. Exchange rate can also be assigned for individual document.
How can I add or edit a currency?
Answer: |
To add or edit a currency, you can use menu Manage -> Currency. The corresponding default rate will be used when a currency is chosen in a document. You can add as many currency as you wanted.
Can I run BizEasy over my company network or through Internet?
Answer: |
Yes. BizEasy is designed to run in different departments of a company through its powerful networking feature. To do this, BizEasy is divided into two components: 1. BizEasy server component as a centralized database and, 2. BizEasy desktop component installed in any PCs to be connected to BizEasy server.
You can connect BizEasy desktop to BizEasy server either through company network(LAN) or Internet.
How to setup my server to allow connection from other PC through local network (LAN)?
Answer: |
Below are the steps to allow LAN connectivity: 1. In Microsoft Windows start menu, click Start, and then click Run. 2. in the Run dialog box, type Firewall.cpl, and then click OK. 3. In the Windows Firewall dialog box, click Add a Program on the Exceptions tab, click the Browse button and select \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe 4. In the Windows Firewall dialog box, click Add a Program again on the Exceptions tab, click the Browse button and select \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlbrowser.exe then click OK button 5. If you have other firewall software installed, create similar exception to allow the above 2 programs to pass through the firewall. Consult your system administrator if you have problem setting up your network.
How to setup my PC to connect to BizEasy server through company network (LAN)?
Answer: |
Below are the steps to make the connection: 1. configure your server to enable BizEasy connectivity.(please refer to last tip for configure details). 2. in the PC to be connected to server, run BizEasy, in Manage Company Database window, select "Register Connection..." and select the database you are using. Click Next button. 3. select LAN as connection, select or type the name or internal IP of your server. 4. enter the instance and sa password if you have your own SQL server. 5. select the company you want to access from this PC, then click Proceed button to save this connection. 6. repeat step 5 if you want to access more company from this PC. 7. close this window when all connections are added. You will have the added connections available for log-in when you start BizEasy.
How to setup my server to allow connection from other PC through Internet?
Answer: |
Below are the steps to allow Internet connection: 1. Install Internet Information Server 6.0(IIS 6) or above in the server so that your server is able to host website. Consult your system administrator for details about setting up a web server. 2. Download and install BizEasy Internet Access component to create a new website in your IIS. The resulting URL for the new website may like http://www.mycompany.com/BizEasyInternetAccess 3. You may test the website using URL(suppose the website URL is in format descripted in point 2) http://www.mycompany.com/BizEasyInternetAccess/accountserv.asmx so that a web page is successfully shown without error.
How to setup my PC to connect to BizEasy server through Internet?
Answer: |
Below are the steps to make the connection: 1. in the PC to be connected to server, run BizEasy, in Manage Company Database window, select "Register Connection..." and select the database you are using. Click Next button. 2. select Internet as connection, select or type the name or internal IP of your server. 3. enter Web Server URL which is the URL of BizEasy Internet Access website created when you configure your server. 4. enter the sa password if you have your own SQL server or you have changed the default database password. 5. select the company you want to access from this PC, then click Proceed button to save this connection. 6. repeat step 5 if you want to access more company from this PC. 7. close this window when all connections are added. You will have the selected companies available for log-in when you start BizEasy.
How to add user so that my colleagues can log into the system?
Answer: |
To add or edit user, you can use menu System -> User. You can add as many user as you want. You may use different user level for colleagues in different departments for security control. See next tip for details.
Is there any security setting so that different user can use different function?
Answer: |
Yes. Using user level, users can be divided into 5 groups(user level can be assigned in System -> User). To assign rights to the groups, please go to menu System -> Security Control. The table in Security Control list out most of the items in the main menu, you may uncheck the Access right of any item so that corresponding menu will disappear when that group of user logged in. The most common situation is to uncheck the Access right of menu item Account and Report, so that the group of user cannot see the important accounting figures.
How can I backup my company data?
Answer: |
Please follow these steps to backup your company data: 1. log into the company you want to backup, then select menu item System -> Manage Company Database, 2. Select "Backup/Restore...", select the kind of database you are using, then click Next button 3. click Browse button and select the location you want to store the backup file, 4. click Process button to start backup.
Can I schedule a backup to be done automatically everyday?
Answer: |
Currently no. But we are planning to add this feature in future version.
What is the size of the backup file?
Answer: |
The backup file size depend very much on whether your documents' print format have many graphic. In normal case, the size of the backup file(.bam) is about 20MB for 1 year of company data. It is very convenient to store the backup file in network drive or removable drive. Note that the backup only contains the path of the photo file of stock item, it does not archive the image file.
How can I restore my company data from backup file?
Answer: |
Please follow these steps to restore your company data: 1. If the existing company data is lost or damaged(e.g. caused by hard drive damage), you need to reinstall BizEasy server and create a company with COMPANY NAME THE SAME AS THE OLD COMPANY, 2. log into the company and then select menu item System -> Manage Company Database, 3. Select "Backup/Restore...", select the kind of database you are using, then click Next button 4. click Restore button. If you changed the database password before, enter the sa password. 5. click Browse button and select the location of the backup file(.bam), you will see all backup information in the table. 6. click Process button to start restore. After successful restoration, you need to restart the system.
Can I change the user interface to Chinese or other language?
Answer: |
Yes, BizEasy supports English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese user interface. To select the language, go to menu System -> Language. You need to restart BizEasy to apply the selected language.
When I input text in BizEasy, can I use language other than English?
Answer: |
Yes, BizEasy support Unicode, which means you can enter text in any language supported by Microsoft Windows.
Can I undo a typing mistake?
Answer: |
Yes, press Ctrl and z key on your keyboard to undo a typing mistake.
How to use filtering and sorting feature in list of record?
Answer: |
To filter, simply type in the field above the column you want to filter. If you are connecting to server via Internet, you need to press Enter after typing the filtering string. You may use % to represent any unknown text, e.g. %abc will find all text end with abc.
To sort by a column, simply click on the column header. Click again to switch the sorting order.
How to remove or add column to list of record?
Answer: |
In the toolbar of the list window, click on the arrow icon beside the Customize button, then check the columns you want to appear in the list. Drag the header of the columns to change their orders. Note that all changes to the columns will be memorized only when the list window is in normal mode, NOT the maximized mode.
How to re-order the columns in list of record?
Answer: |
Click on the column header and drag it to location you wanted. Note that all changes to the columns will be memorized only when the list window is in normal mode, NOT the maximized mode.
How to adjust the width of columns in list of record?
Answer: |
Point to the separator line between the column headers, click and drag to adjust the with of the columns. Note that if you want the width of column to be memorized, you must adjust the width while the window is in normal mode, NOT in maximized mode.
How to print and setup print format of list of record?
Answer: |
To print the list of record, simple click the Print button on top of the list window. To setup the print format, click on the arrow beside the Print button and select Edit Print Format.
How to delete a row of entry?
Answer: |
Highlight the row by clicking on the header of the row then press [Delete] key on your keyboard.
How to resize a popup selection panel?
Answer: |
Place your mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of the selection panel, when a double-side arrow appear, left-click and drag to resize the panel.
How to change my log-in password?
Answer: |
To change log-in password, go to menu System -> Change Login Password
Can I log into multiple companies at the same time?
Answer: |
Yes, when using BizEasy on one company database, you can again double-click on the icon of BizEasy in desktop and log into another company.
How can I know the user who created a document?
Answer: |
In the title bar(top of document window) of every document window, you can find the user who logged into BizEasy at the time when the document is saved. In the top-right hand corner of every document, you can assign in the Staff field the colleague who handle this document.
Both the log-in user and Staff field can appear in the print format selectively.
What is the use of the Staff field appear on the top-right hand corner of some documents?
Answer: |
The Staff field is in the top-right hand corner of every document, you may assign in the Staff field the colleague who handle this document.
What is the different between stock item, non-stock item and service?
Answer: |
You can select the following Item Type in the item window. Below are the explanation: 1. Stock Item is one that have inventory records. You will see and control all stock movement for Stock Item. 2. Non-stock Item does not have inventory record. You cannot add Non-stock Item to inventory. You may consider using this item type for any item which do not need to keep inventory record.\3.Service is similar to Non-Stock Item in which you cannot keep stock record in inventory.
How can I duplicate or copy an existing document?
Answer: |
For any document having the Copy button at the top, you can click on the Copy button to create a new document with all content the same as(except the document no.) the original one. You can make change to the new document and use the Save button to save the new document.
How can I turn off automatic numbering?
Answer: |
Select menu Manage -> Automatic Numbering, make the corresponding formatting field blank and click OK button. Doing this will make the document number blank and you are forced to enter the document number manually.
Is there any account setting I need to know?
Answer: |
Yes. Before any accounting entry, you should have a look at Account -> Account Setting where you can find some default setting BizEasy will use for common accounting operations. You may modify the setting if necessary.
Where can I view and edit the Chart of Account?
Answer: |
Chart of Account can be found in menu Account -> Chart of Account
How to create my own account?
Answer: |
Please follow these steps to create your account: 1. open Chart of Account from menu Account -> Chart of Account, 2. Click button New 3. fill in or select the fields and click [Save] button.
Please see next tips for details of the fields.
How to define an account as bank account?
Answer: |
To define a bank account, check the Bank Account option when you create your account. Only bank accounts is available for selection when creating record of Pay Money, Receive Money, Receipt and Payment Slip.
How to create sub-account?
Answer: |
In the creation of your sub-account, use the same account number as the parent account and assign a unique sub-account number. Accounts having the same account number will automatically become a sub-account of the parent account with that account number.
Is there any flow chart showing the accounting big picture?
Answer: |
You can see accounting translations are recorded by voucher. All accounting matter can be done by double-entry(debit and credit) using voucher. However, creating vouchers manually for routine operations(e.g. settle payment, invoicing etc.) is not an easy task. Therefore, BizEasy automatically generate voucher in most operation. However, you can also produce complicated transaction using custom voucher.
What should I do when I receive a payment?
Answer: |
If the payment comes from your invoice, you should create a receipt from your invoice.(see other tips for details about creating a receipt). If the payment is NOT related to any invoice(e.g. rent income), you should add a Receive Money entry. Below are the steps to add the entry: 1. select menu Account -> Receive Money, select the bank account to receive the payment. 2. click Add Item button to add the related account records 3. enter the details for each row. you should as least enter voucher no, voucher date and amount. 4. press Save button and a voucher will be generated for each row of entry. You can see the generated vouchers by pressing the first column of the rows 5. you may add new entry to the above created Receive Money record when you receive new payment in the same period.
What should I do when I settle a payment?
Answer: |
If you pay for an invoice from a supplier, you should create a payment slip(see other tips for details about creating a payment slip). If the payment is NOT due to an invoice(e.g. electric fee), you should add a Pay Money entry. Below are the steps to add the entry: 1. select menu Account -> Pay Money, select the bank account to draw the payment. 2. click Add Item button to add the related accounts 3. enter the details of the expenses for each row. you should as least enter voucher no, voucher date and amount. 4. press Save button and a voucher will be generated for each row of entry. You can see the generated vouchers by pressing the first column of the rows 5. you may add new entry to the above created Pay Money record when you settle new payment in the same period..
In Pay Money and Receive Money window, what is the different between column Particulars and Remark?
Answer: |
A voucher will be generated automatically for each line of entry in Pay Money record or Receive Money record. Content in column Particulars will go to the Particulars field of the voucher. Content in column Remark will go to column Remark of the voucher.
When I use Pay Money window, how can I combine multiple amounts into one voucher?
Answer: |
Simply use the same voucher number in the payments(rows) that you want the amounts to combine, then a single voucher will be generated for those payments.
How to make transfer between accounts?
Answer: |
To make a transfer, you should create a voucher in menu Account -> Voucher. See more details to create a voucher in next tip.
How to create a voucher?
Answer: |
Below are the steps to create a voucher: 1. Open a blank voucher from menu Account -> Voucher, 2. Add the involved accounts and enter the debit and credit amounts of the transfer. 3. Select the voucher date and voucher type. Voucher type is a classifying option for viewing report or filtering voucher list. 4. Enter any fields you found appropriate and press Save button.
How to define voucher number?
Answer: |
By default, voucher number will be generated automatically and different type of voucher will use different voucher no format. To change the format of the generated voucher no., please follow these steps: 1. Go to menu Manage -> Automatic Numbering.n2. You can see voucher of different type of documents use different format. Click on the Help button below the Cancel button to see the code for defining the voucher no. 3. Edit the corresponding code to change the next generated voucher no. 4. Note that instead of having different set of number for different type of voucher, you can force to use the same set of voucher no. as Custom Voucher. To do this, in the Account page, tick the checkbox in front of the type of document.
Can I handle all accounting matters by voucher?
Answer: |
Yes. If you are sophisticated in double entry(debit and credit), you can handle all accoucting by voucher. However, if you do this, you will not enjoy the user-friendly and functional features provided by Pay Money and Receive Money user interface. That is why we strongly recommand you to: 1. use menu Account->Pay Money when you want to settle payment directly, 2. use menu Account->Receive Money when you want to receive payment directly, 3 use menu Account->Voucher to made transfer by between accounts.
How can I find and open an existing voucher?
Answer: |
There are 3 ways to open the related voucher: 1. If you want to open the related voucher in Pay Money or Receive Money window, simply click on the Voucher icon(the first column) of the row. 2. If you want to open the voucher of a document like invoice, receipt etc., click the Voucher button on top of the document. 3. go to menu Accounting -> Voucher List, search for the voucher and double-click on the row to open it.
How to print and setup print format of voucher?
Answer: |
To print a single voucher, simply open the voucher click the Print button. To edit the print format, click on the arrow beside the Print button and select Format Voucher
How to print a cheque?
Answer: |
There are 2 ways to print cheque: 1. In the Pay Money window, click on the Print Cheque icon in the row of payment record you want pay for. In this case, the cheque will automatically fill up with valid payment information 2. go to menu Account -> Print Cheque. In this case, you have to fill in all cheque information by yourselves.
How to print and setup print format of cheque?
Answer: |
There is a maximum of 5 print formats of cheque corresponds to 5 bank cheque. Below are the steps to setup the print formats: 1. open a blank cheque by menu Account->Print Cheque 2. click on the blue "Bank" hyperlink ahead of the bank selection menu, fill in the names of bank cheque you will use, then click OK button, 3. select the bank and click Format button to edit the print format of that bank cheque. 4. Repeat step 4 to edit the format of other banks.
How to view transactions of an account?
Answer: |
There are two ways to view transactions of an account: 1. open Chart of Account, double-click on the account you want to view, then go to Activities page to see the transaction. 2. go to menu Report -> General Ledger -> Transaction by Account, then select the account you want and then click Preview button.
Do I need any posting after editing a past voucher?
Answer: |
No. The accounts are updated automatically no matter the voucher is recent or past.
How can I prevent people from editing my document.
Answer: |
BizEasy let you lock all documents dated on or before certain date. To setup the date, go to Account -> Lock Period.
How to view and print a list of voucher?
Answer: |
To view a list of voucher, go to menu Account -> Voucher List. Note that there are 2 types of vouchers: 1. Custom voucher, that is the voucher you create by entering debit and credit amount, 2. Generated voucher, that is the voucher generated by system when you create other records(e.g. Pay Money, Receive Money) involving accounting activity. You are not recommended to edit generated voucher unless necessary.
How to view and print a list of pay money record?
Answer: |
To view a list of Pay Money record, go to menu Account -> Pay Money List.
You may print the filtered and sorted result of the list using the print button.
How to view and print a list of receive money record?
Answer: |
To view a list of Receive Money record, go to menu Account -> Receive Money List.
You may print the filtered and sorted result of the list using the print button.
Is there any flow chart showing the purchase process of BizEasy?
Answer: |
Purchase order(PO) represents a beginning of a purchase process. You can generate more than one Bills from a PO at different time to handle partial shipment. Similarly, partial payment can be done by generating more than one Payment Slips from a Bill at different time.
While doing partial shipment and partial payment, BizEasy automatically monitor and display the progress in PO List and Bill List.
What is Bill?
Answer: |
Bill is an invoice from your vendor to represent a payable amount. In BizEasy, when you create a Bill, on-hand quantiy of the related Stock Item will increase.
How to monitor partial shipment from vendor?
Answer: |
Open Purchase Order List from menu Purchase -> Purchase Order List, the column %Delivered and %Billed help you to know the shipment progress. %Delivered increase when you create GRN from Purchase Order. %Billed increase when you create Bill from Purchase Order. Note that in BizEasy, stock movement is done by Bill, not GRN.
Is there any flow chart showing the sales process of BizEasy?
Answer: |
Sales order(SO) represents a beginning of a sales process. You can generate more than one Invoices from a SO at different time to handle partial shipment. Similarly, partial payment can be done by generating more than one Receipts from an Invoice at different time.
While doing partial shipment and partial payment, BizEasy automatically monitor and display the progress in SO List and Invoice List.
How to create a quotation?
Answer: |
Click the Quotation button of the toolbar to open a blank quotation. Select customer and use Add Item button to add items to your quotation. Complete all other fields when required. Click Save button to save the document.
What is Sales Order?
Answer: |
A sales order represent an order confirmation. You should create a sales order once you received a purchase order from customer. In BizEasy, Sales Order is the root document of an order which let you create subsequence documents. Please see other tip for details about the flow chart of sales process.
How to create a proforma invoice?
Answer: |
If you only use proforma invoice to remind your buyer to prepare the payment and no actual amount will receive before shipment, you should use Sales Order as the proforma invoice. In this case, simply change the title of Sales Order to "Proforma Invoice" in the print format. If you use proforma invoice to ask for a deposit before shipment, you should use the Deposit button of your Sales Order to create a Debit Note(as a proforma invoice). See other tip for details of making a deposit.
How to monitor partial shipment to customer?
Answer: |
Open Sales Order List from menu Sales -> Sales Order List, the column %Shipped and %Invoiced help you to know the shipment progress. %Shipped increase when you create Packing List from Sales Order. %Invoiced increase when you create Invoice from Sales Order. Note that in BizEasy, stock movement is done by Invoice, not Packing List.
Is there any flow chart showing the inventory movement?
Answer: |
Apart from normal stock movement done by Bill and Invoice, stock quantity can be adjusted by creating a Stock Adjustment. BizEasy provides 4 warehouses to perform normal stock stock movement. Transfer of stock between these 4 warehouses can be done by creating a Stock Transfer. When you need to lend or consign stock to a company, you can use Stock Lend and Return function. In this case, the stock you lend will be moved to the Lend Stock warehouse which will move back when the stock is returned.